Clay target software features

Shoot Program Configuration
- ability to create unlimited events within a program
- ability to specify the discipline (eg trap, skeet) and the type of targets being shot in each event as well as the squad size and scoring option (eg handicap)
- ability to specify whether an event is decided by shootoff or cash divide and assign the appropriate prize model to the event
- ability to specify the depth of winners individually by overall, grade and category and have this reflect in the shootoffs and winners reports

Nominations - Fees
- ability to specify event by event fees as well as a discount for the full program
- ability to specify fees by category (eg ladies, veterans, juniors, clays only)
- ability to have the system automatically calculate the fees owing based on the events and category the shooter is nominating in
- ability to have shooters nominate and pay online using their credit card through the MCMS app

Nominate and Squad on the Same Page
- search for shooter by number (a barcode scanner makes this amazingly quick!) or by first name or last name
- update the shooter's name, member number, grade, handicap and category and have that "remembered" by the system the next time they nominate at your club or any other club using the system, thus minimising manual input and ensuring the latest shooter information is available to everyone in real time
- nominate shooters by default into all events in a program with the ability to nominate them only in particular events if required
- fees due from nominated shooters are calculated automatically based on the events they nominate for and the category they nominate in (ladies, veterans, junior)
- ability to nominate a shooter without payment and have this highlighted for later followup
- ability to edit a shooters nomination to change the events they are shooting in, their starting or mid program handicap and have this flow through the system to squads and leader boards automatically
- ability to record the method of payment a shooter used (eg cash, EFTpos, cheque, etc) and report on this
- manage squads separately on a per event basis
- clearly identify shooters not yet squadded (left hand side of the page)
- order unsquadded shooters easily or filter them by grade or meterage
- add unsquadded shooters to squads by "drag and drop" or "click and allocate"
- update all future events for squad changes or just a particular event
- generate printed scorecards quickly and easily which include shooter number, category and handicap (can be done individually or for all squads)
- enter event scores on a per squad per visit basis quickly and easily and have these scores automatically update the leader board and shoot-off squad

- the system creates them automatically based on scores entered, prize model selected and depth of prizes specified
- the system automatically generates squads and scoresheets of appropriate size ready for printing
- for large shootoffs scores can be entered by round (eg first 25 targets) and the system will automatically create the squads and scoresheets for the next round based on the scores entered
- where there is a "coin toss" to decide the winner you can avoid a shootoff by specifying a particular shooter as "taking the prize"

Leader Board
- able to be displayed on a rolling basis on a TV in your clubhouse
- automatically updates in real time as scores are entered by office staff
- automatically updates as shoot-off scores are entered
- can also display scores by squad
To view videos of the system in action head to our Help Centre.